How the orange grinch stole the election

The orange grinch

Shocked, emotionally destroyed, and plummeted down, are all ways to describe the feelings of numerous people towards the ironic victory of this one presidential candidate. U.S.A. citizens should understand the president they voted for won’t bring positive changes to this world. From climate change to foreign policies, the orange grinch will not improve much of what already exists if not destroy it. There has been a sort of a similar case in Italy where a certain rich individual was voted as Prime minister, this Italian prime minister was not that bad but he made a number of policies that personally benefited him. In the end, why would you vote such an arrogant billionaire that made racist statements, and currently has had rape charges? Bernie Sanders would have been a much better choice than Donald Trump and/or Hillary Clinton, the two childish competitors.

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44 thoughts on “How the orange grinch stole the election

  1. All of your points make sense but I loved was that you said both candidates were not fit. Even Bernie made it further than both of them, I was rooting for him. They are very childish with one being a criminal and the other a racist. I personally dislike Trump as well but all we can do now is hope for the best! Well done!

  2. Nice post, I agree that Bernie Sanders would have been better than both of them, given his background in politics as well as policies. I do agree that Donald Trump may not have been the best choice, but I do think we should give him a chance to change this country, and after his term if the U.S citizens don’t like him don’t vote for him.

    I actually wrote a post about the election and its winner myself, and I would appreciate it if you read it and left your thoughts on it.

  3. Amazing post. Very nice. I am not from America but I was still interested in the election. I also dislike Trump. Your reasons were clear. Great post!

  4. Hi,
    I agree with everything you said, also Obama’s wife- Michelle- should have ran for president. This is a good piece of writing, but you have given bad points. Do you have any good points on Trump? I mean you probably don’t, I would like to know if you do. Here’s my class blog link

    Ryan M

    • If I could vote for a president in the U.S. I’d choose Bernie Sanders, but if I was tortured to choose between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as president, as crazy as it may seem I’d choose Trump. Trump as a president is quite a hazard, I don’t like him and he has never had a career in politics unlike Hillary, which means I can’t really judge his political ideologies, it’s sort of a mystery. Hillary is the one I can judge based on her previous posts she took in the U.S. government, and the things she’s done trust me they’re not pretty. It would take quite some time explaining what bad things she did that do not involve the emails scandal but here is a detailed article that deeply investigates this issue,

    • It is not that I don’t like him, it’s just that I do not want the U.S. to be governed by him, if it wasn’t for the election I’d say that he is a funny individual that has ideas that I totally disagree with. If you do not believe that Bernie Sanders would have won you’ve probably haven’t yet compared him to the other candidates deeply or looked at his plans. Anyways it still is your opinion, I just hope I influenced it.

  5. Great post, I like how you said that both of the candidates were unfit for the election, all of your points made sense. I would’ve voted Bernie too, but the only options they had were a racist or a criminal. Now that he is elected all we can do is wait and hope for the best!

  6. HELLO Loic!!!!!!

    I love the fact that you named Donald the Orange Grinch. It is very cool, and you’ve been using that name since before the election date. Personally, I don’t like Donald Trump, and although I think a female president would be a big step forward, I’m not sure if Hillary could support that role. And you hate capitalism (cuz u say so every day) and so that’s why you like socialist-y Bernie Sanders. Also, u love Snoop Dogg and Bernie wanted to legalize marijuana and Snoop Dogg loves that stuff.

  7. I support that Sanders would’ve been better but Clinton prevented that and, Trump was honestly the better choice for America. But that is my opinion, but the title is humorous.

    • In the end, he became the winner, some people will be hating and others cheering, I’m just happy I’m not from the U.S., but still somehow anxious knowing that Donald Trump can trigger a nuclear war, it’s probably one button away.

  8. I agree totally. Me and my family are scared but hoping for the best. I also can’t believe all these protest and crazy fights are going on. The funny thing is if Bernie would have won the nomination he would have “trumped” Trump. I saw a post from a scientist that said we need to do something about climate change right now. That really freaks me out because Trump thinks global warming is fake.

  9. I mostly agree with this post, it was very well written and I am glad that you are not afraid to get your opion out there. I have a lot of family who don’t want to talk about it because they don’t want to start an argument, but I belive talking about it can inform opionsm, and slove tension between people. Check out my blog at

  10. Great post! I do think that “The Donald” can be out of hand sometimes. If you could vote in the election, who would you vote for? Keep up the great work. Go check out my blog at

  11. I thought that all you points about Donald Trump are very strong and well written. I think that Donald Trump will Not make American great again, but instead keep it in the same spot while other countries advance. why do you think that Bernie didn’t make it to the final 2 candidates? I would really enjoy it if you checked out some of my blogs . My URL is

  12. Hi Loic,
    I think that your blog post is great! I like how you are passionately expressing your thoughts on the ‘Orange Grinch’. I agree with your points and I think that Trump is not who many people thought would win. I agree that he is a racist billionaire. This is because he doesn’t understand what most people are going through with the rising hate crimes against minorities in his name. It is very surprising with him not supporting the Paris climate agreement.


  13. Hi Loic, I totally agree with you. I was so confused about how he actually won. Some people say he only affects the U.S but he actually affects other places like Africa. He will impact the whole world. Hopefully he will get serious.

  14. It’s true that Trump is not what we need right now, and it will be bad to have someone that is supposedly “incompetent” ruling one of the most influential countries, if not the most, in the world. Though, his campaign, like many others, may have been more of an act than we think, let’s just wait and see what the future has for us, and instead of depending on some governments to right our wrongs, let’s do that ourselves.

    Green for 2020 πŸ˜›

  15. Hello Loic
    My name is Oskar who also lives in America and thinks wow this person is right how come Donald Trump got elected instead of Hilary or Bernie. I wish just as much as you probably that the vote was decided between Hilary and Bernie.

  16. Hi Loic,
    I am also not fond of Donald Trump. However, I wouldn’t say that I hate him. He has a bad character, but he has somewhat good intentions. For example, he plans to lower taxes which I feel would be good. Maybe he actually will make America great again, or maybe he won’t. We’ll just have to see.
    Until next time,
    P.S. Check out my blog @

  17. Every one has their own opinions, however for me I agree with many things the, “orange Grinch” has to say! If you do not work for what you earn you are benefiting from others labor. Also a huge topic, abortion should have much stronger laws some may even refer to it as killing an Innocent child. Another big topic for schools trans gender, I think that girls should use the girls bathroom and men should use the men bathroom. I think that protesters need to zip it or move to Canada because yes, rather you like it or not he is your president,this is not the best way to extra size our freedom of speech
    Sorry if we don’t agree! -Racheal

  18. Dear Writer,

    I really enjoyed reading your opinions about Donald Trump. I agree that Bernie Sanders would probably been a better president.


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