Pros and cons of being in a community


There are multiple benefits and negatives that come with being integrated or part of a community or group of people.


-You get to feel framed or part of a family.

-The people in your community, such as a soccer team, might stand up for you in unwanted situations.

-You get to socialize with the members of that community.

-People in communities usually help each other, when aid is needed.


-You might be subject to peer-pressure.

-In worst-case scenarios, you might be subject to sexism.

-Prejudice can be present in some communities

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Dream for the future

I don’t really have dreams, in the sense of the dream being a wish, I plan what I want to do internally even if it’s finding a way to remove Trump as president; if I actually truly wanted so I’d be actively making plans, and a planned wish or dream is called a goal. I have goals, not dreams or wishes, I don’t know if this applies to you, but know that it might help get off a lazy attitude or state of mind. I have a goal for what I’ll be doing after finishing school, not a dream, and that dream is to remove from power every incompetent person with political power that abuses it, and also excel in most activities I take part in such as math, reading, athletics etc… Since I consider these goals they have to be planned, and I decided to gather experience and use it to fulfill those goals, so the fact that I’m living right now contributes to my goal 😉 (trololol). I forgot to mention I also want to excel at trolling people, and so you know you wasted your time reading a post about a single human that is 14 years old, do you really think you can get much knowledge of this vast Universe from him… You actually will, as I bet I know more than you do about this Universe. Right now I might have triggered your competitivity or anger, you’re really are mature to be angered by a young teen, if you did not know, that is what trolling is. Pursue your goals, and do not be lazy or you’ll regret it fatally.


Genius hour 1 reflection

My main topic my genius hour that I researched about was related to botany, as it involved the mass planting of trees. I chose the topic of “botany” because it would improve the  environment of our societies and communities. Everything that I learned was somehow linked to plants, such as easy plants to grow or highly nutrient filled edible plants. I learned about farming techniques to effectively grow plants. I also learned about certain plants and their health benefits, such as Moringa Oleifera, a plant loaded with . The Genius hour assignment helped me sense the importance of plants to humans and the environment. I realized that I was not the only person working towards the goal of establishing free food forests, that certainly gave a little bit more courage to work for that. I received some moral help in a way that helped me encourage me. My future topic will probably related be related to  men’s violence against women, and this totally helps a huge amount of people, mainly women, and siding with them might help them get the same type of encouragement I received to fight for a cause.


I decided to do an activity named Game one on the SBC week 6 post. I clicked on the link of a student that actually commented on one of my posts that discussed the deceiving U.S.A election. You can check out her blog on this link: . I later made a second comment about a post that talks about Anime, here is the link to it: . Then I made a comment about a post that discussed being proud of your heritage and national identity,


Here is also my 1st comment.

“I have gone to Disney land in France and it was quite amazing, people usually say that Disney world is better so I guess it’ll be more fun to go to Disney world.”

Here is the 2nd one:

“Hey, Alex, Fairy Tail is also one of my favorite animes currently, if you like it then I advise you to watch Hunter x Hunter and One piece. They’re really good, so is my blog : ”

Here is the 3rd one:

“I really like the subject you’re talking about, anyone no matter their nationality, should be proud of who they are and raise their confidence.”

How the orange grinch stole the election

The orange grinch

Shocked, emotionally destroyed, and plummeted down, are all ways to describe the feelings of numerous people towards the ironic victory of this one presidential candidate. U.S.A. citizens should understand the president they voted for won’t bring positive changes to this world. From climate change to foreign policies, the orange grinch will not improve much of what already exists if not destroy it. There has been a sort of a similar case in Italy where a certain rich individual was voted as Prime minister, this Italian prime minister was not that bad but he made a number of policies that personally benefited him. In the end, why would you vote such an arrogant billionaire that made racist statements, and currently has had rape charges? Bernie Sanders would have been a much better choice than Donald Trump and/or Hillary Clinton, the two childish competitors.

Work cited

Trump caricature: