How the orange grinch stole the election

The orange grinch

Shocked, emotionally destroyed, and plummeted down, are all ways to describe the feelings of numerous people towards the ironic victory of this one presidential candidate. U.S.A. citizens should understand the president they voted for won’t bring positive changes to this world. From climate change to foreign policies, the orange grinch will not improve much of what already exists if not destroy it. There has been a sort of a similar case in Italy where a certain rich individual was voted as Prime minister, this Italian prime minister was not that bad but he made a number of policies that personally benefited him. In the end, why would you vote such an arrogant billionaire that made racist statements, and currently has had rape charges? Bernie Sanders would have been a much better choice than Donald Trump and/or Hillary Clinton, the two childish competitors.

Work cited

Trump caricature: